Creek Reflections
There are various quotes that express the idea that a photograph is a mirror of the photographer in some way. I believe that to be true. Especially, your best images – the ones that get to the heart of the matter – surely tell us something about what you value.
Throughout my photographic life, there are certain images that really strike a chord with me; ones that seem to say, this is me. Just as it is important to notice what inspires you and why, noticing what you photograph can also be very revealing. Some time ago, a fellow writer challenged me to share my favourite photographs, and it was a fun and enlightening exercise. I wrote about ten images, one of them being the image, “Creek Reflections,” shown above.
This photograph was taken in summer at a pond not far from my house. It is one of my favourite places to visit when I need to get away and sit for awhile. It’s a small pond, very quiet. The stillness of the water helps me to be still. The reflections of summer in its surface shows the inseparability of everything. It makes me feel connected.
Do you have a favourite photo that tells something about you? I would love to hear about it.
This is lovely! Have you seen the movie the Brothers Bloom? This is a great moment in which one of the characters describes her love of pinhole photography and the way it warps the imagine of the object. This uniquely warping of the imagine brings out different stories from the object. I think you might like checking it out
Oh, I definitely will. Thanks!