“I decided to stop selling and start radiating.” ~ Danielle LaPorte
What does it mean to ra·di·ate? (dictionary.com)
1. to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.
2. to emit rays, as of light or heat; irradiate.
3. to issue or proceed in rays.
4. (of persons) to project or glow with cheerfulness, joy, etc.
5. to emit in rays; disseminate, as from a center.
6. (of persons) to project (joy, goodwill, etc.).
Lately, I have been drawn to tree stumps. I have photographed dozens of them and each one is different. Their rings radiate in different ways. Their centers are unique and lots of stuff collects there.
What we are drawn to can tell us something about ourselves.
I feel very centered lately. I feel my energy radiating sometimes. Yet, at the same time I know that my center evolves and that sometimes I get away from it and have to bring myself back.
I’ve been thinking about how others’ energy affects me and how I affect others. We have control over what we radiate, what we bring to the space. When I feel like I am radiating in a positive way, it is when I am being completely myself. I am energized and that energy needs to come out.
People who radiate have a kind of glow about them. Who do you know that radiates? What kind of energy are you radiating these days?