Eye on Indy, 2007
In 2007 I began my first 365 day photo project, Eye on Indy, for graduate work I was doing. My goal was to determine how or if my sense of the place where I lived (Indianapolis, Indiana) changed as a result of photographing it every day.
It definitely did change my view of the city, mostly for the better. The project forced me to explore areas of the city I had not yet visited. I paid closer attention to what was going on in the city and the people who inhabited it. Of course there were some days where I didn’t go anywhere so I had to explore my surroundings at home.
The interesting thing about that project was that it showed me what a visual person I am. Not known for a great memory, I remember so much more from that year. Someone will bring up an event and I will say, oh that happened in 2007 because I remember the picture I took that day.
What I hear most from people about 365 day projects is that if they miss a few days they give up. Doing this project for a grade and having to write a paper on it definitely helped motivate me to keep going.
But, if you think of it as establishing the photography habit, like any other habit, if you fall off the wagon you just brush yourself off and get back on again.
This isn’t a project about perfection. You will post or take some photos that just aren’t very good, but that’s not the point. The point is to pay attention and notice what you notice. Your photography will get better with the daily practice.
This year, 2012, I have been doing my second 365 day photo project, Bringing Contemplation Back. I am practicing a form of meditative or contemplative photography, where I photograph what startles or amazes me throughout the day.
I do not look for subjects. I stay open to what finds me – like this brick wall.

Brick Wall Abstract, 2012
Many times, these are not the normal type of photographs. One day my image was of the patterns formed by the bubbles as I washed the dishes.
The key is to pay attention to your life. This project is so much easier than the last one since there is an endless supply of inspiration throughout the day.
As I finish this second project, I can honestly say that the daily photo habit is ingrained in me now. I cannot imagine not photographing every day.
Below are 10 benefits I have experienced from doing a 365 day photo project.
- Practice in making a commitment and following through.
- Gets you to notice your life and the small joys along the way.
- Develops your visual design muscle.
- Will make you realize why you loved photography in the first place.
- Gets you out of creative ruts.
- Practice makes perfect. Your photography gets better.
- Helps you move past boredom and see in new ways.
- You become more familiar with your camera and everything it can do.
- Photography will become a habit.
- It is fun.
Will you try a 365 day photo project in 2013? If you’ve done this before, do any of my benefits resonate with you? What did you learn most from it?
I am nearing the end of my first project 365 and have found it to be transformative for all the reasons you listed! Not sure yet if I will do a formal “Project” in 2013, but like you said, the habit is now ingrained in me and is part of my daily life. Thanks!
Yes, and I could see you getting very creative as the year progressed too, Diane.
In 2013 I will begin my fourth 365 project. I have yet to complete one perfectly. When life intervenes and the camera remains in the bag, I simply start again the next day. For me, it has become about the daily commitment; not whether I miss a day or not. In the process, I have discovered amazing things about my city and have grown tremendously as a photographer.
Wonderful abstract image!
Brenda, I have been inspired to hear you talk of your daily photo walks. And I agree that the daily practice is the best for improving your photography.
I’ve been a bit stop-start with my 365 project. I felt like I was putting on a performance and it was stressful making the daily image ‘good enough’ to add. I know this is the opposite of your own philosophy and I want to bring it back to that… just noticing. So yes, I’m going to get going again but might not do so in public so that I can focus on the habit, not the results (and still less on reactions to the results).
You make a good point, Indigo, about not having to show your work in public. It is about noticing and learning how to capture what you noticed.
Okay, I hear you and I have tried but not completed one. I am going to try again in 2013. I now know that my moving about sometimes interferes with having computer access but I can always post as soon as WIFI is available. I really wish I did it in 2012, but I get another chance in 2013 to do it and to do part of it in Alaska.
Hope that your move and getting your new home situated goes as smoothly. Happy Holidays.
Hi, Kim. I find myself grabbing the camera nearly every day now. So the possibilities of a 365 day project appeal to me. I realize that I could do this all on my own and create an album on Facebook as I go. But I would like to hear back from you first with your suggestions and ideas. As you probably know, I spend about half my time in Mexico in a remote location and the rest of my time Stateside, sometimes traveling. My 365 Project would reflect a variety of geographic locations, plus many other variables. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, Kim.