tree growthSeveral years ago, I was introduced to the work of Canadian designer, Bruce Mau, through his exhibit, Massive Change, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. At the time I was studying sustainability and Mau’s visionary ideas intrigued me.

He was interested in how design could affect positive change in the world.

It’s not about the world of design, but the design of the world. ~ Bruce Mau

When one of my favourite sites, Improvised Life, recently published Mau’s Incomplete Manifesto for Growth, my ears perked up.

His principles are mainly for the creative team at his company. However, several can be applied to life situations – nurturing relationships,  problem-solving, handling obstacles, or any creative endeavour, even photography.

Below, I’ve taken a few of them and created a mini-manifestor for living a contemplative life and photography.

Allow events to change you. Forget about good. Process is more important than outcome. Love your experiments. Capture accidents. Slow down. Go deep. Listen carefully and ask stupid questions. Postpone criticism. Study. Drift. Harvest ideas. Begin anywhere. Everyone is a leader. Laugh. Remember.



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