Patricia Turner begins this post with a quote on simplicity.

Take time to listen to yourself.  Become familiar with the voice that speaks directly from your heart.

She then challenges us to pick one image from the last year that is our “icon of experience – the one image, that if all others were lost, most represents our voice as an artist.” What a fantastic exercise and, while the year is not yet over, it’s a good lead-in to my December focused on simplicity.

2013Fave, abstract grassesWhen I looked over my images from the last year (my first living in Niagara-on-the-Lake), I realized that I had covered a lot of ground – and taken a lot of pictures. Photography has definitely become so much a part of me that it is almost like breathing. I carry my camera (or at least an iPhone) with me almost all the time. There is no burden to photograph daily (and sometimes I don’t), but most times I do.

I am in the habit of seeing.

My year was made up of two distinct areas. First, I set a goal of photographing my new hometown in all four seasons. Since I was at home (without a car) for much of the year, I achieved this goal.

Yet, I also had the chance to travel – to Florida in February, Western Canada and U.S. in May, New York City in November, as well as several trips to Indianapolis and Toronto. And my travels always inspire my photography. Choosing one image was not easy. I finally came up with 34 favourites. Each had special meaning for me, which might not be apparent to someone viewing it for the first time. Most, but not all, fell into the categories of simplicity or abstract – not at all surprising really. In the end, I chose the image above as my icon of experience (or expression). To me it represents gracefulness, movement, and newness (green). It reminds me of my town and the constant breeze. And, it shows my love for abstract photography – taking the labels off and seeing familiar subjects in new ways.

I hope this inspires you to discover your own icon of experience for this year. Please let me know if you do.

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