Photo Card Horizontal


Red and raw

Your anger slices through me

Leaving me wondering

about the sadness buried deep inside.

How best to portray anger in a photograph? I focused on the raw energy of anger, symbolized by the red movement. Underneath, we can see a hint of blue, symbolizing the sadness that is often at the core of anger.

You can participate in this project, where we’re photographing and reflecting on words from David Whyte’s book, Consolations (paid link). Join the Adventures in Seeing community at Google+. Submit your photo and reflection, tagging it with the word for this week, “anger.” Your reflection can be just the word, a metaphor, a poem, a paragraph, or an essay. It’s up to you. See how others reflect on the same word.

It is Easier to be Angry than Sad – Psychology Today

The Language of Emotions – Karla McLaren

** Books mentioned have Amazon or Bookshop.affiliate links, meaning I make a few cents if you purchase through my link. I only recommend books that I’ve read.

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