blossoms on the ground

Textures are made up of an infinite number of lines, often crosshatched, or very fine dots. All of these things, and they’re so … wonderfully expressive of a community, of a lot of communal things. There is so much going on and no one individual or no one thing really stands out in a texture. ~ Freeman Patterson

In the Photo By Design workshop, we explore the world of textures and patterns.

In this wonderful interview with Freeman Patterson (my mentor for seeing), he speaks of textures as symbols of communities and relationships.

I too often photograph textures. After moving to Niagara-on-the-Lake, I found myself photographing the blossoms at my feet, which created textural abstracts.

In my photography workshops, I find that communities easily form and I have been thinking of ways that the people in those communities can stay connected more easily. After reflecting on some of my images of the textural blossoms, I came up with the following thoughts about communities.

* There needs to be a solid foundation or common mission.

* While all of the blossoms (community members) look similar, each one is unique and should be treated with care.

* There needs to be a safe container or frame within which members can interact.

* Members should be able to be real and not have to live up to a certain ideal. They should be accepted where they are.

* There should be common areas of interest (topics) and different levels of involvement.

* There should be connections between those areas of interest, as well as a clear and coherent big picture.

* There should be an atmosphere of learning from each other; that everyone has something to contribute, even those staying at the edge.

What did I miss?


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