The Adventures in Seeing Book
Ordinary reality can be quite extraordinary.I’m sure you enjoy those times in life when you experience something rare and special – a sunset over the ocean, the view from a mountain peak, or the first blooms of spring. These times add richness to your life and you’re grateful for them. However, there’s a different kind of satisfaction that you can experience every single day. The Adventures in Seeing book is designed to help you do just that.
This book explores the transformative power of contemplative photography and offers practices for the reader to discover the same. I draw from my own personal experience after practicing for many years, as well as from the wisdom of mentors like Ansel Adams and Freeman Patterson, who exemplify the art of seeing deeply. It is a guide that encourages readers to slow down, embrace the beauty in the ordinary, and discover the richness in everyday life through cultivating nine contemplative habits (see right). Not only will you make better photographs, you’ll develop a profound sense of presence, self-awareness, and connection with the world. You’ll experience life as the adventure it is.
“The camera is an instrument that teaches us how to see without a camera.” ~ Dorothea Lange
The year was 2001. I was in New Brunswick, Canada, attending a long-anticipated photography workshop with Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant. For our first assignment, I found myself standing in a field of dying plants, not knowing what to photograph. Patterson saw my dilemma and advised me to get down on my belly and put my camera right in the middle of the broken and brittle plants. Little did I know that at this moment my life was about to change.
Looking through the viewfinder from this perspective, I discovered a whole new world.
There are times that we all feel the way I did that day – overwhelmed and helpless – not knowing what to do next, not seeing possibilities. But, we can learn to pause in those situations and see below the surface of our lives. We can connect in a deeper way.
Ever since, I’ve been inspired by many more mentors in seeing – writers like Thomas Merton, John O’Donohue, and Mary Oliver, photographers Ansel Adams and Minor White. These were people who lived rich, full lives, doing what they were born to do. In studying their work and their lives, I noticed that they all shared common habits or contemplative qualities. They were pillars of pausing – with openness, humility, and acceptance. Their attention was focused with a sense of curiosity and wonder. And, they saw possibilities everywhere. Their lives were full, yet focused on what was most essential, especially having meaningful relationships.
This is how the Adventures in Seeing workshop (now book) was born.
What’s Inside
The Premise: Your camera (or smartphone) can be used as a tool to develop nine contemplative habits that’ll expand the way you see. The book is divided into three sections – Pause, Focus, and Connect. Within each section, you’ll practice developing three of the nine habits. There are five photographic exercises or “calls to adventure” for each habit. Interspersed throughout the book are personal stories, inspiring mentors in seeing, and many photographic examples.
Section 1 - Pause
You’ll learn the power of the pause and practice habits of openness, humility, and acceptance. You’ll build more space in your life.
Section 2 - Focus
You’ll learn to focus with intention. going deeper and bringing curiosity to the table. You’ll experience wonder anywhere and anytime.
Section 3 - Connect
You’ll learn to simplify to what really matters in life. You’ll see more possibilities, and develop stronger relationships. You’ll click the shutter and make the connection.