by Kim Ort | Oct 25, 2017 | Compassion, Contemplation, Humility, Possibilities, Practices, Topics
I’ve been studying and practicing stoicism recently. If you’re like most people, you may have a picture of a stoic as someone with a stiff, upper lip and not having emotions. This is a misunderstanding. Stoicism as a philosophy goes back to the 3rd century...
by Kim Ort | Sep 27, 2017 | Books, Contemplation, Photography, Poetry
Recently, I had an email exchange with a gentleman who attended one of my in-person workshops. He wrote out some thoughts responding to a blog post I’d written in March on photographs as interactions. That post was inspired by an On Being interview with Carlo...
by Kim Ort | Sep 20, 2017 | Celebrate Impermanence, Contemplation, Topics, Workshops
While walking through a forested trail, I was astonished at the abundance of colour and blooms. It was that time of year where summer is not quite over but signs of fall are creeping in. Leaves are starting to turn colour and seeds are dropping. Summer blooms are near...