by Kim Ort | Apr 21, 2016 | Contemplation, Essence, Inspiration, People, Visual Journalling
In my last post, I shared highlights from an all-day seminar (through the Latow Photography Guild) with world and humanitarian photographer David duChemin. That post was about voice and vision. Today, I’ll share with you what he had to say about visual stories....
by Kim Ort | Apr 19, 2016 | Inspiration, People, Practices, Visual Journalling
As many of you know, David duChemin is one of my favourite photographer/writers. I found out just last week that he would be presenting this weekend at the Art Gallery of Burlington (courtesy of the Latow Photography Guild), less than an hour from where I live. As...
by Kim Ort | Apr 14, 2016 | Books, Contemplation, Habits, Inspiration, People, Practices, Third Act
The word contemplation means to consider with attention and compassion what’s happening in the moment. I’ve always been a contemplative type (thoughtful and reflective) and am drawn to others who exemplify these same qualities, people like Thomas Merton,...