by Kim Ort | Dec 2, 2015 | Contemplation, Photography, Visual Journalling, Workshops
Over the years I’ve read many wonderful quotes from a book called The Art Spirit (paid link) by Robert Henri, a collection of writings, letters, and critiques about the nature and purpose of art. It’s a book I’ve always meant to read but never did...
by Kim Ort | Nov 25, 2015 | Books, Contemplation, Inspiration, People, Photography
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. One of the benefits of being a dual citizen of Canada and the United States is that I get to celebrate this holiday twice, in October and November. I’m currently with U.S. friends and family and feeling thankful...
by Kim Ort | Nov 18, 2015 | Books, Contemplation, Inspiration, People, Topics
Do we find meaning or make meaning? Let’s start with one of my favourite quotes. “The meaning of life is to see.” ~ Hui Neng This is the quote that guides my life and photography. But, what does it mean? Don’t we all see? How can seeing be the...