by Kim Ort | Aug 16, 2017 | Contemplation, Contemplative Photographers, Essence, Going Abstract, Inspiration, People, Seeing
Minor White (1908-1976) is arguably one of the most influential photographers of the 20th century and there is much written about him. I even wrote a post about him for my contemplative photographer series back in 2014. Recently, I read the book, Rites and...
by Kim Ort | Jul 28, 2017 | Contemplative Photographers, Photography, Themes
One of the most enlightening exercises in the visual journaling workshop is to come up with five adjectives to describe a photograph. Do this for ten or so favourites and see which adjectives come up most. These words will give you insight into your purpose or vision...
by Kim Ort | Oct 28, 2015 | Books, Consolations, Contemplative Photographers, Place
“Genius is best understood in its original and ancient sense: describing the specific underlying quality of a given place as in the Latin Genius Loci, the spirit of a place, it describes a form of meeting, of air and land and trees, perhaps a hillside, a cliff...