by Kim Ort | Aug 29, 2013 | Essence, Seeing, Topics
This week I read a fascinating post at Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings site – The Magic and Logic of Color. She refers to a classic book by Josef Albers called Interaction of Color.* Albers is an abstract painter and expert on color theory. The whole article...
by Kim Ort | Aug 20, 2013 | Contemplation, Practices, Seeing
“Well let’s start with it, the Latin word, contemplat, is seeing, not thinking. So it’s a more holistic way of accessing the moment than just the left-brain. I like to call it “undefended knowing,” where you keep the screen open, you...
by Kim Ort | Jun 4, 2013 | Belonging / Connection, Contemplation, Contemplative Photographers, Seeing
In the act of deeply seeing, we transcend the boundaries between the self and the otherness of the world, momentarily merging with the thing seen. ~ Alex Grey * For me, photography is about realizing or becoming aware of a connection that is already there. As Alex...