Workshops & Retreats
Over the past 10+ years, I’ve offered online and in-person group experiences, with contemplative practices, photo-based and otherwise, that help you do just that. They’ve been inspiring, challenging, and supportive for everyone involved, including me. Those who have participated tend to be curious, compassionate, and adventurous people who want to slow down and see their everyday lives in new and surprising ways. They want to connect to what touches their heart and soul.
Currently, I am only writing online, mainly through Substack, but many of these workshops have been converted to downloadable PDF’s, and even a book. You’ll find links to them below. If you’re someone who wants to get out of your comfort zone and create a daily practice of being and seeing, then one of these courses may be just what you need.
On-Demand Email Courses
Keeping it Simple
Start immediately.
In this downloadable PDF, available through Gumroad, you’ll find 8 sections, each with a topic to give you practice in simplifying your photos and your life. Newly updated and full of helpful resources. The price is $7.50 USD.
Going Abstract
Start immediately
Take a deep dive into the wonderful world of abstract photography. This downloadable PDF with 12 sections is now newly updated and available through Gumroad. The price is $10 USD.
A Visual Journal
Start Immediately
Based on the online course, Once Upon a Time: Photographs have Stories to Tell, these 13 writing exercises, one sent each week, will get to the heart of your photographs. Now available through Gumroad as a downloadable PDF for $10 USD.
Celebrate Impermanence
12 reflections and challenges to get you thinking about impermanence in a whole new way. Download this PDF for FREE and begin working right away. Learn more here.
30 Days of Perception
This was originally a course with 30 daily practices and reflections to get you noticing your perceptions. An expanded version took its place as the Seeing Clearly Project for 2021 – a year of weekly exercises. The archive is available for free on Substack.

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